Our Programs & Services

FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy offers a wide variety of programs and services, tailored to needs of your child.

General assessments

Prior to commencing therapy services, thorough assessments are completed to determine the best path of intervention.  A summary assessment report is provided for each child.

Assessments at FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy are comprehensive and designed to determine the fundamental cause, of your child’s difficulties. Each assessment is tailored to the specific needs of your child.

FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy uses a variety of assessments to determine underlying factors that may be the cause of your child’s difficulties. Each assessment is tailored to the specific needs of your child. Formal assessments are completed when a child first attends therapy sessions and ongoing observational assessment continues throughout your child’s time at FUN OT. Regular feedback to parents is provided during every session.


Individualised therapy sessions are generally 45-50 minutes in length and include feedback to the parent or caregiver. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to be active participants in all sessions, as this will assist them in supporting their child at home or school. Sessions are tailored to meet the parent and carer’s goals for their child and support is provided to assist them in working towards these goals at home, school or in the community.


Online services are available for clients living in remote regions.  Sessions are tailored to meet the parent and carer’s goals for their child and support is provided to assist them in working towards these goals at home, school or in the community. 


Professional development is available to parent groups, schools, dental and medical clinics and other interested and invested organisations.  Topics for professional development are tailored-made to meet the needs of your organisation.  Possible topics include:

– Preparing your child for school
– Understanding sensory processing
– Managing screen time
Developing fine and gross motor skills
– Activities to improve attention and concentration

FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy is an occupational & speech therapy service located in Byford WA. It supports children aged 4-12.

Monday – Friday |  8.00am -5.00pm
Saturday & Sunday | Closed

806 South Western Hwy, Byford 6122
M: 0432 845 399
E: elaine@fundamentalsot.com.au

FUNdamentals OT offers clinic-based services in a home setting. Therapists are passionate about developing the whole child through intervention and education. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend and participate in sessions.

Copyright © 2020 FUNdamentals Occupational Therapy. All rights reserved